What is a privacy policy?
The Privacy policy sets out what we at Paws Right There do to protect you and your personal information when visiting and purchasing through our website. When purchasing from our website, we collect the personal information you give us such as; name, address etc to complete your purchase successfully. Our policy only applies to Paws Right There and not to other social links or third party platforms.
Overview of policy;
Our website is created by use of Shopify, these use cookies to keep track of the consumer and items put into the cart for purchase.
We use google analytics to better understand our consumer and provide you with a better experience in the use of our website. Cookies are used to provide you the consumer a secure service while using our site and making payments.
We work in line with GDPR (general data protection regulation) 2018, you give permission for us to store, market and gather your personal information to complete your purchase and give you the best experience while visiting Paws Right There. We will store personal information as long as we need too.
Email marketing which you will have automatically given permission too when you provide your email address on completion of purchase, use from time to time on new products or improved items. If you wish not to receive any form of email marketing please email directly to; info@pawsrightthere.co.uk and please allow up to 14 days to be completed.
When browsing our website we automatically receive your IP address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.
We may update our policy from time to time and it’s important to revisit the policy while visiting our website Paws Right There.
Where you purchase a personalised print you are buying a copy of this, not the copy right to the personalised print. The copyright in all instance is retained by Paws Right There. In making a purchase you give permission / rights to Paws Right There to use and share your print in the future on our website, email marketing, flyers and social media platforms ie; Facebook, Instagram etc. This will only be done in the instance to promote the work we do and for no other reason. In sending photos for completion into personal prints you give us the permission to securely store and use these are part of marketing of Paws Right There.
You can at any point request for your details to be removed /deleted, access, corrected (will exclude receipts for company accounts / administration and prints completed), register a complaint or want more information please allow 14 days to be completed, contact use at;
Mail us to;
Paws Right there
508 Manchester road, Paddington, Warrington, Cheshire WA 1 3TZ